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Goochland Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Program 


Ambassadors are cheerleaders for the Goochland Chamber.  They perform a variety of duties in the Chamber, but their main function is to help promote the Chamber, welcome new members to the Chamber, and make Chamber events successful and enjoyable for everyone. 

They are a special group of people who volunteer their time to promote the Goochland business community and support Chamber functions.  

Characteristics of a Chamber Ambassador

  • Has a lively, engaging, proactive personality.
  • Can make the shyest person feel comfortable and welcome.
  • Projects a positive image for their company and the Chamber.
  • Enjoys having fun in a professional environment.
  • Has confidence to make personal contact with any Chamber member.
  • Encourages others to become Chamber members.
  • Volunteers 4 hours a month as an Ambassador.

Being a Chamber Ambassador provides fabulous networking opportunities and offers multiple benefits for you and your business, but it’s also a great way to get more involved in Goochland County. 


Benefits of Being An Ambassador 

  • The opportunity to make valuable contacts with business leaders throughout the Goochland Area. 
  • Recognition at Chamber events, Board meetings and in Chamber publications.
  • Networking opportunities with representatives from a wide variety of businesses and organizations.
  • Recognition among peers as a community leader, both individually and for the business or organization you represent.
  • Personal satisfaction, plus the opportunity to meet new people and make new connections and friends.


Ambassador Requirements:

A $25 annual Ambassador Committee fee, which is non-refundable and must accompany your application.

The term of an Ambassador is one calendar year from February to January.

Your firm or business must be a Chamber member and in good standing.


Ambassador Events & Occasions:

Mandatory Ambassador Orientation

Quarterly Meetings

Scheduled Monthly Networking Events (Goochland Gatherings, Women In Business Lunch, YPG Meet Up and more.)

Ribbon Cuttings, Grand Openings, Open Houses 



Ambassadors are required to dress in business attire at all events and Chamber-provided name badges must be worn.


If you are interested in applying to become a Goochland Chamber Ambassador, please click the button below.